San Jose, CA 95131, USA

Auto Theft and Robbery

Auto Theft Detected

Auto Theft and Robbery Detection

Auto Theft and Robbery detection doesn’t stop at the scene of the event. We follow the suspects get away vehicle and provide license plates and other details that are imminent to catching the criminal


“Your security cameras are just an archive of captured events...
With Osmond they transform into gateways to prevention and proactive measures”

The usefulness of surveillance technology in preventing and solving crimes depends on the resources put into it. A guard is not trained to act proactively but instead to react after the deed is done. Cameras are now everywhere human life can be found. The Gates acts as your Virtual View Guard, always monitoring surveillance video feeds, waiting to detect and help prevent the next Auto theft or vandalism.

How It Works


AI Machine learning, facial recognition technology is used for gun detection on a 5G Network in real time and behavioral analyzation through Security Surveillance cameras.
On a 5G Network, without latency, detected threats are escalated to on site security, local personnel and local Police Dept via mobile app notifications, text message or email, Notifications will reach you anywhere. Administrative options are customizable.
Data and events are sent to cloud for learning and historical analysis, and connections back to onsite gateway for “learning” purposes .
Onsite staff, First responders and law enforcement receive video feeds, suspect description, vehicle make, model and color, license plates, driving behavior, Google maps graph view that helps to pin the suspects location and direction.

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