Our solution exercises A.I. capabilities to learn and escalate threat behavior and add to a data collection for future similarities. By utilizing smart recognition through security cameras, transmission of alarms, networks and threat alerts to local personnel and law enforcement personnel. Osmond makes us safer. With appropriate data regarding a potential security breach and off-site monitoring and control via smart devices and text and mobile app notifications Osmond keeps us informed and prepared.

Martin Randolph
Co-founder And CEO
Victor Lazzaro
Co-founder And CSOVictor Lazzaro is CSO and Co-founder of The Gates. His role is to assist in defining the detailed vision for the Gates, define the UI and manage the work required to execute the product concept to a production solution. Victor has been a product designer and inventor for over thirty years.
As a creative problem solver and visual design expert, he has spent most of his life in search of answers to how we can be more creative, function at our peak levels as individuals and as teams, and develop successful, win-win game changing product solutions. He has specialized in designing and bringing products successfully to market in his role as a Chief Strategy Officer, product inventor and team leader. Victor has been responsible for creating highly successful visual product languages for companies such as Cisco, Citrix, Lumenis, Abbott, and Bio Rad. His product designs in the consumer, medical and tech space have netted hundreds of millions to billions of dollars for his clients. Victor has advised many CEO’s and works beside Martin on product development, team dynamics and the creative process.Highlights:
- Only recipient of the Thomas Lamb Award for Excellence in Design – the most prestigious award offered by RISD.
- Currently active on three board of directors.
- 31 years as a product development expert – Designs have been on the market, some up to twenty years and have generated billions in revenue.
- Officer for a nonprofit building child care facilities in vulnerable locations.
- Rhode Island School of Design